
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård stops a mugging

Bård is initially cynical, and says that it is something he would have enjoyed doing as a young boy, but he is an adult now.

He then accidentally knocks the top off the yellow bin, and cheekily pushes the rest of the bin off the desk, like a cat might, to smash onto the floor below.

He chooses not to narrate his film, which is instead set to chirpy music. It is performed on a (mostly) black background, with Bård and two production assistants playing roles, while lying on the floor and being filmed from above.

The plot consists of Bård, in an all-white outfit, walking along until he sees a man getting mugged by somebody with a bat. He yells at them to stop, but then gets assaulted himself.

He then drinks a Christmas soda, and magically transforms into a Santa while doing a front flip. He is then able to beat up the mugger, impale him with his own baseball bat, throw him around, and then bicycle-kick him out of existence.

He helps the other man up, and gives him a hug as they wave at the camera together.

In the studio, Bård mentions that it had taken him a very long time to make.

Atle says that he enjoyed the film, and he awards Bård four points.

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

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