
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jesper’s expensive balloon pop

Jesper starts his attempt by buying a blowpipe and a bag of pebbles, and then misses every single shot.

Upon returning to the shop, he considers purchasing the scissors, but convinces himself that the scissors are a red herring designed to waste time, and that cutting the string will actually do nothing.

Instead, he tries his luck with a dart, eventually working his way through Mark’s entire stock of them, and failing with every throw.

An increasingly-frustrated Jesper then starts to throw the entire bucket of rubber ducks at the balloon.

For some reason, he then buys the other blowpipe from Mark’s shop and tries his luck with that and a fresh bag of pebbles, rather than just using the one he’d already purchased.

When one of Jesper’s pebbles actually hits the balloon but does not pop it, he returns to Mark’s store, demanding a refund on his “faulty” product, but Mark refuses.

Realising that the only thing left to purchase is the scissors, Jesper does so and cuts the string, successfully popping the balloon.

Angry at the entire task, Jesper picks up a few of the rubber ducks and walks away.

He pops the balloon in 52 minutes and 14 seconds - or, as Mark puts it, “everyone else’s time, plus one dart” - and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)