
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kathrine goes full babushka

Kathrine’s entire meal fits inside of a watermelon, which she has covered in whipped cream.

She tells Mark to think about it as a babushka doll, and Mark realises that the top half of the watermelon is removable.

He flips off the top half of the watermelon to reveal a passion fruit within.

Kathrine stops Mark and asks if she can have a taste of the meal herself.

She takes a bite of the watermelon and cream, and declares that it “tastes like a vacation”.

Mark then continues his exploration of Kathrine’s meal, flipping the top off of the passion fruit to find an orange within.

Inside of the orange is a plum, and inside of the plum is a pistachio.

There is then a raisin inside of the pistachio, but Kathrine insists that it’s actually squirrel faeces, and that Mark should not eat it.

Kathrine’s meal excels in terms of layers, but is noticeably lacking in actual food, as most of the fruit flesh had been hollowed out to make room for the next layers.

Despite this, Lasse awards Kathrine first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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