
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hadi does not understand the assignment

Hadi first asks Lisbeth if she works in an office, and then asks if she’s a hairdresser, and she nods at both questions.

Initially impressed that she has a hair salon in an office building, he double-checks (presumably with the off-camera Mark) that every time Lisbeth nods, he has received a correct answer.

When no-one appears to answer him, Hadi asks Lisbeth if she’s a juggler, a mechanic, or works at a pharmacy.

After Lisbeth nods in response to all of his questions, Hadi finally figures out that she is lying whenever she nods.

He asks Lisbeth if he can feel her hands, which she allows.

After taking a closer look at her palms, he confidently declares that she does not perform physical labour for her job.

After complaining to Mark that Lisbeth is “fucking difficult to talk to”, he tells Lisbeth that he believes that she enjoys being around children, and that she gives off the air of a leader (to which Lisbeth nods), because she’s a liar (to which Lisbeth shakes her head).

Having seemingly missed Lisbeth’s response to his statement about leadership, Hadi guesses that she is the manager of some sort of kindergarten or youth centre.

He then leaves the lab, calling the task “shit”.

In the studio, Hadi admits that it wasn’t until the drive home that he realised what he was meant to do in the task.

Over the course of 20 minutes, Hadi asks 39 questions, but fails to complete the task, so he earns no points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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