
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Petra takes her time

Petra asks Lisbeth if she works with computers, and then whether she sits completely still for her job.

When Lisbeth shakes her head at the second question, Petra wonders what job would entail sitting completely still.

Fishing for more information, Petra asks Lisbeth if she works with adults, then narrows the field down to “newly grown adults”, and then specifically to those who have just turned 18 (“newly-legal adults”).

Petra tries to put herself into the mind of a newly-legal adult, going about their day, which she imagines involves riding their bike to school (Lisbeth is involved with neither), and hanging out with their friends.

After wondering what she could have missed, and what milestone could happen at the age of 18 that specifically involves sitting down, inspiration suddenly strikes Petra, and she asks if Lisbeth’s job has anything to do with cars, and then whether she is a driving instructor.

In the studio, the other contestants (aside from Hadi, who had just been seen bombing the task) lead the crowd in chanting Petra’s name, in response to her speedy guesswork.

However, Petra immediately shoots them down, saying she does not deserve the praise, and implying that the edit had been very kind to her.

Mark then reveals that although Petra figured out quite early in her questioning that Lisbeth works with 18 year olds, that she had still taken 24 minutes in total to solve the task.

Petra ultimately earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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