
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hadi falls victim to Jantelov

Hadi is inspired by glass-bottomed rooftop pools which jut off of the edge of buildings.

He lays out several of the unfolded cardboard boxes, so they run in a line across the grass from the red platform to the centre of the grid.

He also places cardboard tubes underneath the line of boxes as supports, at various points.

Unfortunately for Hadi, a strong gust of wind temporarily undoes some of his work, blowing the cardboard directly into his face.

At the end of his cardboard walkway, Hadi stands a single cardboard tube, one end of which he has taped over to create a platform for the yoghurt pot.

Hadi carefully pushes the tube over, so that the entirety of his yoghurt lands in the ‘10’ square of the grid.

He then hops into a golf cart and drives away, mic-dropping his yoghurt pot as he does so.

In the studio, Lasse and Hadi have a debate about whether or not Hadi’s attempt is valid.

Lasse then seemingly sidesteps the need to rule on whether Hadi’s extended platform counted, as he instead rules that Hadi had not actually build a tower (as it was just a single cardboard tube).

Hadi is therefore disqualified, and reacts by citing Jantelov (the Law of Jante), noting that he had already won the three previous episodes.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores