
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Petra’s lateral disqualification

Petra asks Mark for a car key, and then proceeds to park one of the production vans directly over the red platform.

She then climbs on top of the van with a single cardboard box and a single cardboard tube, and asks Mark to define what a tower is, to justify what she’s about to do.

She defines a tower as “something standing on top of something else”, and then stands the tube on top of the cardboard box, on the roof of the van.

She uses gaffer tape at the top of the tube to create a platform for the yoghurt pot.

Petra then pushes the tube to topple it, and the majority of her yoghurt lands in one of the ‘7’ squares.

In the studio, Lasse acknowledges that Petra had built a tower, but rules that the van upon which she’d built the tower was itself not in direct contact with the red platform.

This is proven using a photo of the gap between the underside of the van and the platform.

Petra is therefore disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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