
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kathrine the questionable architect

After briefly experimenting with stacking the cardboard tubes on top of each other, Kathrine folds and stacks two of the larger cardboard boxes on top of one other, and then stands one of the cardboard tubes on top of them.

She also gaffer-tapes all of the cardboard items together.

After a few failures, Kathrine manages to gaffer-tape three of the cardboard tubes on top of one another, and then places the yoghurt pot on top of them and attempts to topple her tower.

Unfortunately, the poorly-taped cardboard tubes break apart midway through the topple, and the yoghurt lands on the grass in front of the grid.

Despite not landing any yoghurt in a numbered cell of the grid, Kathrine does not break any rules, so she still earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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