
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hadi answers a philosophical question

Introducing both Hadi’s and Jesper’s attempts at the task together, Mark points out that the task as written was perfectly family-friendly, but that some people might have chosen to interpret it in a more suggestive way.

In contrast to Jesper, though, Hadi is definitely aware of the potential risk of his actions appearing suggestive, as he overcompensates with his smiling, apparently trying to appear as innocent and family-friendly as possible, above the table.

However, underneath the table, his other hand is moving frantically, and a very distinct slapping sound can be heard.

It is eventually revealed that Hadi is merely producing the sound of a single hand clapping.

At the end of his attempt, Hadi looks directly into the camera and apologises in Arabic.

In the studio, he clarifies that he was apologising specifically to his mother, whom he knows watches the show.

He admits that he had not thought his idea through well enough to consider how she might respond to his attempt.

Lasse awards Hadi last place, noting that he had already seen one hand clapping (referring to the 2001 movie At klappe med een hand).

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores