
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jesper briefly becomes the Stormester

Immediately after reading the task brief, Jesper declares that although it says that he must remain behind the starting line, there are actually no lines present anywhere on the course; rather, the course’s beginning and end have merely been designated with start and finish banners.

To back up his claim, Jesper sources a dictionary and looks up the definitions of ‘line’ (or ‘streger’ in Danish), noting that the course lacks “a drawn or written, usually straight, line” and that nothing on the course is “a unit of division on a measuring instrument”.

Secure in his argument, Jesper then picks up the teddy bear (whom he has named Lars) and simply walks it under the finish banner.

In the studio, after berating Mark for not drawing a physical line at the start and finish of the course, Lasse reveals to Jesper that he had conveniently missed another definition of ‘line’: “an imaginary line that emphasises something”.

Lasse then presents Jesper with a conundrum: if he is to accept Jesper’s argument that physical start and finish lines needed to be present, then none of the contestants had actually completed the task, as the bear would never have completed (or even started) the race.

Lasse then gives Jesper the power to decide how the task will be scored: if Jesper stands behind his argument, then everyone will be disqualified.

If, however, Jesper withdraws his argument, then Petra and Hadi – the only two who completed the task as written – will be the only ones to earn points.

A desperate Kathrine pleads with Jesper, offering him her first-born child, if he chooses to disqualify Petra and Hadi, and telling him to take the chance to “be an asshole”.

However, Jesper decides to delegate the decision to the audience, asking them to cast their votes through their applause and cheering for the two options.

The majority of the audience vote for Hadi and Petra to keep their points.

Jesper is thus disqualified for not remaining behind the imaginary line.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)