
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kathrine experiments with mouth noises

Kathrine jogs around the course, making an “eeeeeee” noise while keeping her mouth open.

After several attempts, she never quite manages to do better than travelling around half of the course.

She then re-reads the task brief, wondering if perhaps Mark can make the noise instead of her.

She instead decides to try slapping her cheeks with her hands, to make a series of popping noising come from her mouth, before switching to making a yelling noise while running.

She gets about halfway around the course again with the latter technique, before she makes herself laugh.

Kathrine also briefly considers blowing a long raspberry while she runs, as well as constantly saying “la la la”.

With less than two minutes of her time remaining, Kathrine reads the task brief again and realises that her last attempt at the task is the only one that will count.

She petulantly says Mark’s name, and then decides on that as the noise she will make during her final attempt.

Kathrine manages to travel 19 metres in her final attempt, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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