
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Petra turns her mouth into a speaker

After thinking about the wording of the task brief, Petra asks one of the members of the production team if she can borrow their phone.

She searches for a video of a long continuous noise on the phone, and starts to play it.

She then holds the phone between her teeth, and runs around the course for the rest of her time.

Petra’s noise appears to be some sort of lecture set to music.

In the studio, Lasse suggests that Petra had actually made the noise with her finger (when she started the video), as opposed to her mouth.

Petra argues that her method is more or less the same as Jesper's, and should therefore be accepted.

Jesper momentarily comes to Petra’s defence, arguing that Petra had turned her mouth into a speaker for the phone, prior to starting her run around the course.

However, he then seemingly realises that standing up for Petra would mean that he himself would place lower in the task.

In any case, Lasse rules that Petra’s solution is invalid, as the noise needed to be actually made by her mouth.

Petra is therefore disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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