
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sofie calls in a favour

Sofie initially thinks that a real fart could be the best noise, but realises that she does not actually need to fart, so rejects that idea.

She leaves the lab and returns with her phone, declaring that she knows just who to call.

She tells Mark that the singer Christopher Nissen owes her husband a favour (something to do with a “bachelor party thing”), so she calls her husband to ask for Christopher’s number.

In the middle of the call, she changes her mind and instead asks him for the number of the singer Malte Ebert , better known as ‘Gulddreng’ (‘Golden Boy’).

She calls Malte, informs him about her task, and asks him to sing the praises of Lasse Rimmer.

Sofie says the phrase that starts the recording, and Malte sings:

Lasse, you're so cool and nice and wonderful.
Are you a model, Lasse? Come up to my hotel room.
You're Denmark’s best TV host, Lasse; much better than Sofie Linde.
Strike that, you're just as good as Sofie Linde.

Sofie seemingly forgets about the silence requirement after the recording, as she immediately brags to Mark that her noise was “amazing”.

Lasse declares that Sofie provided a 4-point noise, but decides that the points must be split between herself and Malte, so he instead awards her fourth place (presumably because she forgot to remain silent after her noise).

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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