
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Thomas tells a story

While Thomas paints, he tells Mark a story about an artist from his hometown (Toftlund) named Gunther Scharbach, who had an affinity for displaying his art in public places, including roundabouts.

Thomas says that he’d recently looked up the prices of some of Scharbach’s artworks, and they were far less than he makes for a single stand-up show.

Thomas declares that the price disparity therefore actually makes himself – and not Gunther Scharbach – the greatest artist to come out of Toftlund, and that he will therefore decorate the next roundabout that is built in the town.

In the studio, Lasse presents a picture of a roundabout outside of Toftlund.

Upon zooming in, it is revealed that the production team had actually driven Thomas’ painting to the roundabout and displayed it there, in front of a famous Scharbach statue.

Thomas’ picture actually does include a good rainbow – although the colours are wrong – but the rainbow is covered up with violent strokes of paint.

Lasse awards Thomas second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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