Paint a rainbow in the dark

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is laid on the table in the lab, and is written on paper which glows in the dark. The brief for the task is as follows:
Make a painting using the paint on the table.
The painting must include a rainbow and a story.
You may not open the door until you're done.
Best rainbow and story wins.
You have 10 minutes.
Task notes
- The lab is completely dark for the duration of the task.
- There is a canvas on an easel in the room, plus some paintbrushes and several cups containing paints in the colours of the rainbow on the table.
- The paints have been scented to provide clues to their colours: the red paint was strawberry-scented; orange was orange-scented; yellow was banana-scented; green was apple-scented; turquoise was mint-scented; blue was toothpaste-scented (though it’s not clear how this differed from the mint); and violet was lavender-scented.
- There is also a light switch in the room which has been outlined in glow-in-the-dark tape.
Task stats


Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.