
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray secedes from New Zealand

Ray asks Paul where the nearest embassy is, which turns out to be a 22-minute drive away. He decides against going there and walks instead to an island at the back of the house, holding a home-made flag and a paper crown, while Paul wears a hat.

He declares that Ray O’Leary and Paul Williams are seceding from New Zealand and establishing a new country called “The Democratic Raypublic of Ray”.

The new nation’s flag has a light blue background, with a green streak on the left with a bump in it. It also has, written in pen, the words “The Raypublic” at the top, and “Of Ray” at the bottom. There is a picture of Ray’s head in the middle, and miniature sea creatures on either side.

A short montage is shown of Ray exploring the island, stroking a plant, sniffing another plant (and then coughing), and drinking water which he says he has been told is not stagnant.

He also declares that Paul is his army, so if someone gets mad at them for seceding, they have to get through Paul, with his mighty war cry of “Hello”.

Ray explains to Paul that they’ll survive together by eating “highly processed peanut butter”. He explains that his reasons for seceding are that he has an overdue library book which he does not want to return, and also that meth is legal in the Raypublic.

When Paul asks what he should do if he wants to see his family, Ray says they can also immigrate. However, he prohibits Paul from ever leaving the country.

When Paul questions what happens when they run out of peanut butter, Ray suggests that perhaps the meth can tide them over.

He earns joint second place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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