
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray’s flamingo-themed horror movie

Ray enters the lab and, not seeing a task brief, starts looking underneath the table for it.

He returns to the lab with a flamingo-themed umbrella and a metal chain, and barely reacts to Paul being dressed as a ghost.

After reading the second task brief, his first question is “Do we have, like a bunch of raw meat?”.

His movie begins with him and Paul relaxing together by the lake. Paul is wearing a long blonde wig, and they’re talking about what a lovely place it is for a teenage summer camp.

Another Paul and Ray are standing behind them, this time with Ray wearing the blonde wig. This character notes that they’ve heard that the area is also a habitat for endangered flamingos, and it is also pointed out that said animals can be very territorial.

The flamingo umbrella is then seen peering around a post on the dock, leading the whole group to gasp and recoil.

The flamingo turns out to have a gun, which it uses to shoot one of the Pauls’ arms clean off.

The wig-wearing Ray runs off screaming, but is brought down and strangled by a metal chain flung by the flamingo.

The wig-wearing Paul is then taken out by a sword thrown by the flamingo. The wigless version of Ray then takes the sword and, with a cry of “This is for my beautiful girlfriend Paella!”, throws it right back at the flamingo.

The flamingo umbrella then opens up and what is supposed to be raw meat (but appears to actually be baked beans and mini hotdog sausages) falls out of it, onto the dock. However, the umbrella then blows into the lake, and the movie ends with the flamingo floating off, saying, “That’s not the end of me. I’ll be back to commit flamingo-related crimes.”

The title for the movie is then revealed as ‘FLAM-I-NGO WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER’.

In the studio, Jeremy questions Ray’s fictional girlfriend’s name, ‘Paella’, to which Ray responds “Beautiful name, beautiful side dish, beautiful side piece.”

Paul explains that Paella was from Spain, and had emerged from the hole that Mel had dug in the ‘Leave New Zealand’ task.

Jeremy thinks that the film has a fantastic story, and awards Ray 3 points.

(Written by JoGo and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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