
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah tries to make Paul more fun

Bubbah fetches some of her own clothes and gives them to Paul to change into, because his own clothes are “intense”.

After Paul puts on Bubbah’s hoodie and jacket, Bubbah asks him if he feels like he “owns the room”, in response to which he makes a comment about the housing market.

Bubbah shares that she’s aiming to make Paul more fun, and so she asks Paul what kinds of games he played as a kid. Paul notes that he made a lot of graphs as a child, which Bubbah is a bit concerned by.

Bubbah is then seen writing on a clipboard, before suggesting that they play “tiggy” (another name for the game ‘tag’). Halfway through saying something, Paul attempts to run out of the lab, but Bubbah tags him. The pair play ‘tiggy’ in the lab for a while, before relocating to the kitchen.

Bubbah makes some chocolate milkshake and pours it into two glasses. She then tries to spray some whipped cream into Paul’s mouth, but mostly air comes out instead.

She finishes her attempt by letting Paul make a graph of fun against time, with time on the x-axis going from 30 minutes ago until the present, and ‘fun’ on the y-axis, with no numerical scale, but with ‘max’ at the top.

Paul plots ‘new clothes’, ‘slime yuck’, ‘trust fall’, and ‘tag’ at the start, each of which apparently resulted in a slight increase in his fun levels. There is then a significant step up in the fun level associated with the ‘cream’, ‘milkshake’, and ‘graph’ activities.

Although Bubbah had initially planned to try to increase Paul’s confidence, she accepts that she at least managed to improve his mood.

She earns second place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)