
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray cannot inflate balloons

Ray immediately says “oh no” when he enters the room, noting that he’s really bad at blowing up balloons.

He tries his best to blow up a balloon, but it doesn’t really inflate at all, remaining very much flaccid. Regardless, Ray decides to try to tie up this not-inflated balloon. When Paul queries if it’s blown up, Ray says it’s at least been “blown in”.

It then turns out that he also doesn’t really know how to tie a balloon, either. However, after re-reading the task brief, he notes that it doesn’t explicitly state that the balloons must be tied.

He then draws a face on the sad, floppy balloon and names it Jeremy. He also tapes the balloon to the desk, just in case it falls off. He continues with his process of barely blowing up the balloons and taping them down.

When the fans are turned on, only the task brief itself is blown off of the table.

In the studio, Jeremy seems genuinely surprised at the fact Ray can’t blow up balloons, and does allow his sad balloons to count, out of pity.

With 14 balloons on his desk, Ray earns third place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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