
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah becomes Dai

It immediately becomes apparent that Bubbah doesn’t know who most of the other contestants are. When Paul points at Mel’s picture and asks her who she is, Bubbah hesitates a fair bit and then quietly guesses Karen.

In studio, she does mention that she had met Dai before, which is presumably why she chooses to become him.

She comes through the door on her knees, wearing a striped shirt, shorts, and a red bow tie, with what looks like grey paint on her face as a beard, and holding an umbrella.

When Paul asks her what the name ‘Dai’ is short for, she responds “Dai Hard”. Paul then queries ‘Dai’ about his middle name, and she claims it is “Really”, and also that his full first name is “Daffin” (presumably misremembering his actual name, “Dafydd”), so his full name is “Daffin Dai Really Hard”.

When Paul asks if ‘Dai’ has broken the umbrella, she admits that she has, but notes that it doesn’t matter because Dai is rich. When Paul asks how he got so rich, ‘Dai’ says its’s just because he’s the “greatest living comedian in New Zealand”.

She tells Paul that she’d love to stay and chat, but has a viewing later, because she buys and sells real estate. In studio, she notes that she was just thinking about things that rich people do, and Dai has to point out that not really that rich.

Bubbah earns 2 points, but this is halved to 1 point because she chose the same person as both Mel and Ray.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)