
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray ties Paul to some train tracks with tape

Ray brings the wheelchair and mannequin torso into the study, and gives Paul a blonde wig, a lace shirt, and a skirt, instructing him to put them on and “look pretty”.

He then fetches some pool noodles and returns, laying them on the floor in front of the wheelchair with the mannequin on it, to represent train tracks. He also attaches a sheet of red paper with the word ‘train’ on it to the wheelchair, to avoid any confusion.

He then wraps tape around Paul’s chest and arms, and – upon Paul’s suggestion - also tapes his legs.

Ray then lays Paul down on the pool noodle train tracks and begins to make a short film.

Paul starts calling for help, while Ray laughs evilly and puts on a generic villainous accent, saying that he’s tied up the lady.

As Ray leaves the room to do a costume change, Paul keeps shouting for help, pointing out that there’s a train coming towards him, being driven by a decapitated person.

While still in character, Paul tells Ray he has just two and a half minutes remaining, which is what is displayed on his timer, which laid on the floor in front of the desk.

Ray returns wearing a hat and wielding and a pair of scissors to save Paul, who seems largely unconcerned because the ‘train’ actually hasn’t moved at all. Regardless, Ray attempts to build the tension in his scene, while stating that he hopes special effects will be used to make it look like it’s actually moving (which does not happen for him).

After Ray successfully frees Paul from his tape bindings, Paul points out that he’s still got 43 seconds left. Ray suggests that they could kiss, which they do, very quickly.

He earns 4 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

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