
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Susan makes a fake task

Susan points out that she likes “victim-based mischief”, but is also considering doing “collective mischief”, giving the example of running into a road (but “not in a sad way”) and disturbing traffic.

She ultimately decides on victim-based mischief, in the form of setting a fake task for another contestant. Her unsuspecting victim is Sam, who enters the loo of the Taskmaster house to find her task brief (the seal on which features the letters ‘SW’, rather than the usual ‘TM’). The task brief reads as follows:

Stand up and shout ‘mice’ whenever you see or hear mice.
Sit down and whisper ‘fish’ whenever you see or hear a fish.
You have 20 minutes, and must stay in this room.
Your time starts now.

Cut-out pictures of mice and fish are either slid underneath the bathroom door, or mounted onto a pole and poked through the bathroom window, and there are also some hidden pictures of mice and fish in the bathroom, some of which Sam manages to find.

After spending 17 minutes in the bathroom, Sam opens the door and steals Alex’s pen, drawing some fish of his own on the task brief to increase his score.

Sam is quite proud of his performance immediately after the task, especially his decision to draw his own fish (which Alex calls “mischievous”).

In the studio, he calls Susan a “nutjob”.

Alex reveals that Sam spotted 133 mice and 97 fish, and also points out that “mice fish” is an anagram of “mischief”.

Greg awards Susan first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores