
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah slingshots some things beginning with ‘P’

Bubbah collects some objects from the shed seemingly at random, none of which explicitly start with the same letter.

She then decides that she’s using the letter ‘P’ for all of her objects, including a “polo” (Samoan for ‘ball’, representing a basketball), a “pretend police gun” (toy gun), a “pinkie toe offender” (LEGO brick), a “prop” (a cricket ball), and a “player’s utensil” (skateboard). She also has a cone, but what she decided to call this is not revealed.

She fires the basketball, cricket ball, and LEGO brick from the slingshot, missing with all of them, and worrying that her chosen items might be too small.

She also misses with the cone and the toy gun, but successfully hits the closest tower with the skateboard, knocking it down.

She then also realises that she can launch Paul, but he doesn’t help her out, slowing down and coming to a stop quite short of the remaining towers.

Bubbah earns just 1 point.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)