
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray slingshots some things beginning with ‘S’

Ray collects armfuls of objects from the house and caravan, apparently not thinking too much about the letter restriction.

He then chooses the letter ‘S’ and renames several objects, such as a “steam device” (kettle) and “scholastics” (book).

He first tries aiming for the furthest tower with some spices. He then fires the “statue’s arm” (mannequin’s arm), missing again. While he is releasing a lot of his objects, he flinches and recoils backwards.

He fires the book and a sleeping bag, neither of which travel beyond the end of the slingshot. He also fires a paddle, which doesn’t go much further.

He manages to successfully knock down the closest tower by firing his “seeing device” (binoculars) at it.

Ray collects some stones as well, which he claims are all different types of stones: “skipping stones”, “stones for rolling”, and “stones for the driveway”. Using the stones, he successfully knocks down the second tower. He then names another stone “Simon” to fit the category, and manages to knock down the third tower.

Ray earns 3 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

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