
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray rolls the egg inside a roll of tape

Ray chooses to tape an egg to the inside of a roll of tape, and then rolls the tape instead of the egg.

He starts his egg from the floor of the study, but so that it is still touching the leg of the desk, so it is technically starting its journey from the desk.

He then touches the egg again as he tapes it inside the roll of tape, but from this point onwards he only touches the tape itself.

He starts the egg’s journey down the stairs by setting up a cushion on each step, to roll the tape onto. However, near the bottom of the stairs, the tape roll falls off of the cushions and starts hitting the stairs a bit harder.

He reaches the locker and rolls the tape up into it but, after Paul un-tapes the egg to check for cracks, it is revealed to have been broken during its journey.

Ray starts again with a second egg, using the same technique, but he carefully rolls the tape down each stair by hand this time, keeping the tape in contact with a surface at all times.

He gets the egg to the locker safely with just three touches, and earns second place.

After Ray leaves the lockers, Paul decides to take a bite out of the raw egg, shell and all.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

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