
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders’ nuclear selfie

While scrolling through his phone, Anders informs Mark that his phone has nearly 12,000 photos on it, so he’s certain at least one will be spectacular.

He shows a photograph which causes Mark to break down in laughter and reach for the phone again, but Anders says that Mark is only allowed to see it once.

Anders’ chosen photograph is of himself, taken with the phone near his waist, with his shirt removed and a cloth mask covering his face.

He explains the context of the photo: he had been in Chernobyl, examining the future of nuclear power in Denmark (in 2022, Anders filmed the documentary series Atomkraft - ja tak! [‘Nuclear Power – Yes, Please!’], during which he visited both Chernobyl and Fukushima). Presumably, Anders’ photo was of himself on his way to a decontamination shower during this time.

Anders’ recreation is – as expected of such a relatively simple photo – mostly accurate, though the photo is taken from a different angle.

Lasse compliments Anders’ bravery, as Anders is clearly uncomfortable with his naked chest being shown on television, and awards him first place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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