
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Petra’s afterbirth

While taking out her phone, Petra tells Mark that she recently took a picture of her son’s anus, as her son was curious about what it looked like, and wonders if that’s still on her phone.

Mark implies – but does not outright tell Petra – that she may want to choose a different photograph (though after Petra reads the follow-up task, both joke that perhaps she should have chosen her initial photo idea instead).

When she shows Mark her chosen photo, she asks if he knows what it is, and Mark guesses that it’s something to do with a birth. Mark is correct, as Petra has chosen a picture of the placenta from one of her first two pregnancies.

Petra’s recreation pays particular attention to the details, matching the dark shade of red from the smeared blood, using a background which closely resembles the textured medical curtains (represented in the recreation by closed window blinds), and even sourcing a pair of surgical scissors.

If Lasse’s commentary is accurate, then Petra had achieved her recreation by using a fresh calf’s liver.

Lasse awards Petra second place for choosing such a personal photograph and recreating it so well.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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