
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian makes a rope swing

Christian guesses that 1,380 seconds translates to 10 minutes. He quickly follows up by saying that he knows it’s probably more, but he can’t be bothered to calculate how long it actually is.

When Olli asks Christan’s immediate thoughts on the task, Christian defines ‘cumbersome’ as something “tiring and clumsy”, and that pouring coffee in a cumbersome way might therefore involve doing a handstand and pouring the coffee upwards.

He briefly considers pouring coffee from the balcony, but dismisses it as more ‘clumsy’ than cumbersome.

He finally settles on making use of the house’s rope swing. He hooks his foot through the handle of the coffee pot and holds himself up on the rope, attempting to swing back and forth over the cup, and tilting his foot as necessary to pour coffee when he is near it.

At some point, the coffee pot falls off of his foot, spilling whatever coffee remains inside of it.

Surprisingly, Tete comes to Christian’s defence in the studio, arguing that café patrons in Berlin or New York would pay “good money” for that kind of coffee experience.

Christian’s end result is not shown, but he wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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