
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Stian snatches defeat from the jaws of victory

Stian runs to the balcony with a long piece of plastic tubing, and tapes it to the side. He then mounts a long stake in the grass, and runs the tubing over it.

The physical exertion leads Stian to remove his hoodie, leaving him in just his white undershirt (which he dubs his “Eminem costume”).

After completing his rig, Stian takes the coffee pot to the balcony and pours all of it into the tube (burning his fingers in the process, as he does not use a funnel).

The coffee runs down the tube and into a bucket placed in a shopping trolley filled with various sports balls.

Christian then pushes the trolley down the small bank in the garden to the rope swing, which he uses to transport the bucket to a toboggan. He then pours the coffee into another bucket which has been mounted on the toboggan.

He pulls the toboggan towards the picnic table, stopping to jump and spin as he does, and then crossing a gauntlet of LEGO bricks barefoot before finally arriving and pouring the bucket in to the cup. He completely fills the cup until it is overflowing.

In the studio, Atle admires Stian’s hard work, but reminds him that the task was specifically about the filling of the coffee cup – and not the transportation of the coffee – being cumbersome.

Despite Stian’s argument that the filling had begun on the balcony, Atle insists that the filling was when Stian simply poured the coffee into the cup at the end of his obstacle course.

Thanks to a few disqualifications, Stian moves from a presumed last to third place (and seems genuinely upset about it, unlike other times when he has placed low).

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores