
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tete the lemon smuggler

Tete initially tries to eat one of the lemons, but only manages to consume half of one. As he does, he muses that of all of the contestants, Stian would be the most likely to eat all of the lemons.

Tete worries that hiding a lemon down his pants would be too obvious, but he then does exactly that.

Happy that he has worn loose clothing, Tete also hides a lemon in each of his socks, counting on his baggy trouser legs to hide their bulk.

When Olli returns to begin his search, Tete stalls for time by following the letter – if not the spirit – of Olli’s instructions. For example, he puts his leg up on the table, but does not move it to assist Olli in searching it for the lemon. Similarly, when Olli gestures that Tete should put his other leg up on the table, he argues that it would be physically impossible for him to put both his legs up on the table at the same time.

These stalls pay off, as Olli eventually admits defeat, having found none of Tete’s lemons.

Tete leaves the labs with all three lemons still on his person, never having revealed their locations to Olli.

Tete therefore makes all three lemons disappear, and wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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