
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona commits to the task

While she opens the task brief, Mona informs Antoine that she has food allergies, but that she also knows that his having to jam an EpiPen into her neck would make for good television.

Mona opens Jar 3 and says that it contains smoked herring, immediately realising that the jars do not contain any actual baby food.

She tells Antoine that as she is from the Richelieu Valley (southwest Quebec, where there are lots of rivers and fishing), she is quite familiar with the smell of dead fish, and recognises this in the baby food.

Mona ignores the spoon and drinks directly from the jar. She then prepares a spoonful for Antoine to try and, when he declines, actually does the “here comes the airplane” trick to try to get him to eat. When Antoine once again refuses, Mona eats the spoonful, and guesses that Jar 3 contains tuna and something sweet.

After sniffing Jar 2, Mona tells Antoine that she will remove her pantyhose after the day’s filming and have Antoine smell them, to give him an idea of what Jar 2’s contents smell like. Mona takes two large gulps from Jar 2 but, if she makes any initial guesses, they are not shown.

Mona then sniffs Jar 1 and says it looks like it contains Nutella. After drinking from it, she affirms that there actually is chocolate in Jar 1. She pours some of the contents of Jar 1 into its lid to check its texture, then drinks some more of it. She guesses that Jar 1 contains chocolate, Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar, oats, milk, and flour.

After another taste of Jar 2 – this time with the spoon – Mona guesses that Jar 2 contains ham, sardines, and some sort of berries.

Mona tells Antoine that she found Jar 3 – which she has decided contains tuna and peanut butter – to have been the best, and that she is now going to leave the room to vomit.

In the studio, Louis compliments the production’s censor guy, for being on top of all of Mona’s swearing during the attempt of her footage.

Mona correctly identifies three ingredients, and earns joint first place, with 3 points, plus the bonus point for eating the most baby food.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores