
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julian makes a teapot mob

Julian heads to the kitchen and returns to the living room with as many teapots and kettles as he can find, telling Alex that he is aware that his teapot gang will have a “gay undercurrent” to it. He shares that he used to be called “teapot” during his school days (“teapot” being slang for an effeminate gay man).

Julian searches the living room and is surprised to find even more teapot and teapot-adjacent items to join his gang there, upgrading his collection to a “mob”, based on sheer numbers.

After affixing googly eyes onto all of his gang members, Julian groups them together on a small table near the false bookshelf, and later adds a sign reading “The Tea-Pot Ladz Woz 'Ere”.

In the studio, Julian defends his gang, claiming that they’re cool because they’re “an oppressed minority who have found their voice and their strength”.

When Greg questions if Julian’s gang is ‘scary’, Julian states that their scariness is in their sheer numbers, and the fact that they can “pour you to death” (a pun on ‘paw’ which Alex very much appreciates).

Greg awards Julian third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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