Episode 5: Skateboard Division

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the best thing that has five things on it, burst a balloon without looking at it, make a cool but scary googly-eyed gang, move water from a plate into a vase without spilling any, and retrieve their drinks using toilet roll.
Title context
In the studio during the ‘Make a cool but scary googly-eyed gang’ task, Sam quips that he is part of the “Hells Angels, Skateboard Division”. The Hells Angels are a real organisation, famously known for riding Harley Davidson motorcycles. Sam presumably jokes that he is part of the “Skateboard Division” because Lucy had used a skateboard during her own attempt at the task.
Alternate Titles
- On Finland's MTV Katsomo streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Skeittilautaosasto', which translates as 'Skateboard department'. [Translator credit: zador]
- On Sweden's SVT Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Skateboardavdelningen', which translates as 'Skateboard department'.
Taskmaster Intro
Hello! Welcome to Taskmaster. I'm Greg Davies, and I come from a family of wise old owls. As my grandmother always used to say, 'If you keep coming round here and eating my biscuits, there'll come a time when you're not welcome any more.' To which I replied, 'Well, hide the barrel, old woman! I'm only flesh and blood, and bourbons, they're kind of my thang!'. It's that kind of insight into the human condition that makes me uniquely qualified to make judgments. And judge I shall, lest I be judged. Weirdest intro yet? Perhaps. You try writing them every week! Let's meet our contestants.
Assistant Intro
And next to me, a man who makes up tasks in his jacuzzi, and says he knows when he’s come up with a good one because, and I quote, his “bald ferret breaks the surface for air”. It’s Little Alex Horne!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
What have we learned today? We’ve learned that a new Olympics sport has been born, and won’t it be exciting at Paris '24 when we see our very own Sue Perkins awarded the gold medal for being the best in the world at licking around the corners of a circle?
Note: After everyone fails to complete the ‘Get all of the water into the vase’ task, Sam points out that if there was a sport which no-one could do, they probably wouldn’t include it in the Olympics.
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Official podcast episode
Episode stats

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Red Bee Media