
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian lowers his ambitions

Christian takes a quick trip to the shed, and soon returns to the caravan with a play tunnel, a hula hoop, and a roll of bubble wrap.

He explains that his initial idea had been to use a tree as a hat – not explaining why he has subsequently ruled out the idea – so sees his current endeavour as severely lowering his ambitions.

He flips over one of the bucket-style patio chairs just outside the caravan, intending to use it as the base of his hat. On top of the chair, Christian arranges the tunnel into a sort of arch, and places the hula hoop over it. He also duct-tape a few branches to the hula hoop.

In the middle of his hat, he has secured one of the decorative circular shrubbery bushes from the patio, and has attached a length of bubble wrap to the back of the hula hoop as a veil.

With just 15 seconds to spare, Christian calls Olli out of the caravan, and shakes his hand, noting that he is wearing his “greeting hat” to do so.

In the studio, Atle calls Christian’s hat an haute couture “patio hat”, with “Asian influences” at the base, and “French influences” near the top.

Christian earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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