
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tuva makes a festive hat

Tuva builds her hat primarily out of pillows that she has stacked on top of each other to give it height, taped onto some sort of overturned bowl.

She decorates her hat with layers of holiday garland between each pillow, and wraps the entire creation in patio lights.

Tuva claims that her hat is intended to be worn around Christmas and New Year’s; to justify the latter holiday, she adds a few sparklers to the top, and lights them on fire.

After putting on her hat, Tuva demonstrates that she also took the time to create a chin strap for her hat, which she pulls down from the brim.

Tuva’s hat is incredibly unstable and somewhat heavy, as evidenced by the fact that it pulls her forward as soon as she lets go of it. She needs to hold it with both hands as she makes her way to the caravan.

She briefly tries to enter the caravan, but realises that her hat is too big. She therefore leans into the caravan as far as she can, and shakes Olli’s hand.

Tuva earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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