
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marte’s brain short-circuits

Not much footage is shown of Marte attempting the task though, in the studio, Olli reveals that her method was very similar to Tuva’s – mostly focusing on moving marbles, and only moving nectarines to make space.

The footage mostly shows the end of her attempt, at which point she seems to be doing well – only two nectarines are on the table, and she seems calm. Only nectarines can be seen in the top of the blue bucket, and Marte has to dig down past layers of marbles in the red bucket to find any nectarines.

However, just before her time runs out, Marte starts digging a handful of marbles out of the red bucket, and places them on top of the nectarines, back in the blue bucket.

She only realises her mistake after several seconds (and a quick glance at the task brief, which is open just in front of her). She frantically starts trying to move the marbles back again, but is only able to move a few of them before her time runs out.

In the studio, Atle notes that every time Marte enters the lab, she seems to leave her brain outside, and that she appears to have “short-circuited” during this task, as well.

Marte moves 1,029 items in total, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores