
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Stian gets annoyed with Olli

Immediately after reading the task brief, Stian grabs two handfuls of marbles. This causes several marbles to fall out of the bucket and onto the table, and he swears loudly.

He shifts the two buckets closer together, and managed to get a decent amount of marbles into the red bucket by shifting nectarines around without actually losing or moving many.

Stian becomes annoyed with Olli quite quickly, calling him an “ass” when he blows his whistle after a few marbles drop from his hands and onto the table.

As Stian does several rounds of scooping handfuls of marbles into the red bucket – losing a few to the table every time – this means that Olli has to blow his whistle every few seconds. This leads Stian to wearily ask Olli if he truly intends to constantly blow his whistle for the remainder of the task.

Eventually, Stian re-reads the task brief, and asks Olli if the score is based purely on the number of items moved, and if one marble is worth the same as one nectarine. When Olli confirms that this is the case, Stian removes all of the nectarines from the blue bucket, mocking Olli every time he blows his whistle.

After the completely emptying the contents of the red bucket, Stian pours the entire contents of the blue bucket into it.

Stian moves 2,900 items in total, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores