
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy’s evenly-distributed recall

After reading the task brief, Tammy gets overexcited, in the way she often does during the tasks when she is against the clock.

However, she has enough presence of mind to realise that she will likely need to remember what the objects hanging from the ceiling are, and so takes a final look at them before she leaves the lab.

Unlike Mona and Marie-Lyne, Tammy apparently has both a good aural and visual memory, rather than just one or the other, resulting in an evenly-distributed recall of the things she heard and saw in the lab.

She decides to start her recall by naming the items she saw, quickly rattling off the mustard bottle, the Adirondack chair, the red clapping hands, the peacock feather, the water pistol (though she just identifies it as a gun), and the salt shaker.

Of the things she heard, Tammy remembers “ball”, “billiards”, and just the word “manor” for which she is apparently given full credit. She also remembers the full phrase “balloons, balls, marbles, and billiards”, as well as “You look pretty today”.

She incorrectly guesses that the board was green.

In the studio, Louis asks Antoine if it’s normal for Tammy not to listen to him at home, either, and Antoine responds that such a thing is normal after 20 years.

Tammy correctly recalls six objects and five sentences, and wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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