The Sues defy the task brief

The Sues are immediately disheartened to learn that the task is not a team task. Sue insists that the two have bonded, and are now close enough to have shared a bag of Nik Naks together.
While still reading the task brief, Sue looks for ways to get the two back together, pointing out that the task is in fact a team task, because they both need to succeed in order to complete it. She also asks Alex if it would be bad if she and Susan happened to cross paths while moving to different rooms. Alex replies with a non-committal “You do what you want”, and The Sues agree that checking in with each other to say hello while moving between rooms will be a non-issue.
In the studio, Greg comments on The Sue’s gleeful camaraderie, calling it “sickening,” and likening them to The Famous Five.
Initially, Susan searches the dome, while Sue heads to the caravan. Susan finds the task brief underneath the golden pineapple, which hints that the secret task is under some initials. There is also a task brief on the wall inside the caravan, but Sue overlooks it during her time there.
After Alex’s horn blows, Susan heads to the shed, and tells Sue to search underneath the pineapple in the dome. Sue does so, and so also learns the clue about the actual secret task’s location.
After the next horn blow, Susan tells Sue not to bother searching the shed (“There’s nothing there for you!”). Sue instead runs to the front gates (as they are emblazoned with a large set of ‘TM’ initials), while Susan searches the hutch. While the inside of the hutch has ‘TM’ initials mounted on the wall, Susan overlooks this, but quickly finds another task brief hidden underneath one of the window shades, which tells her that the actual secret task is “buried under buildings”.
After the next horn blow, Susan relays this additional clue to Sue, and runs off to the living room, while Sue heads in to the lab. Searching under the table, Sue finds another task brief (at which point she calls Alex a “sneaky beast”) which tells her that the secret task is “beneath the Taskmaster”. This leads her to believe that the next place she needs to search is the large statue of Greg in the garden. Unfortunately for Susan, she spends most of her time in the living room catching her breath, then searching the bookshelves, and she does not spot the giant painting of Greg surrounded by buildings behind her.
After the next horn blow, Susan searches the kitchen, while Sue finds another task brief beneath one of the Greg statue’s feet, which informs her that the secret task is inside. In the kitchen, Susan finds another task brief which tells her that the secret task is often behind her.
A montage of The Sues crossing paths outside of the house a few times is shown, before Susan finally searches the lab and reads the hint there, finally figuring out the true location of the secret task: behind the ‘TM’ underneath the portrait of Greg in the living room. Sue also figures this out for herself while searching the living room, and finally finds the secret task.
Having read the secret task brief, Sue nominates Sam Campbell, because she’s “never met him before, and he’s young and beautiful, and he’ll get over it”.
The Sues then swap rooms again, with Susan quickly sharing her suspicion as to the location of the secret task just as Sue is about to tell her the same.
Sue remains in the corridor while Susan confirms her theory, via a dramatic RADA-trained summary of the clues she’d found so far. She then cries out in delight to Sue that she has found the secret task, after she locates it in the hidden compartment.
After confirming with Alex that she’s just supposed to choose one name, no matter what the outcome, Susan also nominates Sam Campbell.
In the studio, Greg asks The Sues what they have against Sam. They both counter that they didn’t want to choose anyone, and Sue adds that Alex had forced her to but, for legal reasons, she can’t go into detail as to how.
When asked for comment on his double nomination, Sam says that he’s just excited to know people are talking about him.
Sue finds the secret task fourth, in 16 minutes and 5 seconds, giving Sam 1 point. Susan finds the task fifth, in 18 minutes, giving Sam an additional 5 points.
Sue, who had been delighted to learn about the existence of the ‘special hat’, is ultimately the one who receives it. The special hat turns out to be an overly-large, floppy hat, which Alex thrusts onto her head in the studio. It completely covers her face, and Sue describes her resulting appearance as “a really, really weird version of The Handmaid’s Tale.”
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)