
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Find the secret task

Close-up on the letters 'TM' under the portrait of Greg in the living room.

Task briefs

The initial task brief is laid on a plinth on the driveway. The briefs for the task are as follows:

This is not a team task.

Find the secret task.

You must never be in the same room as each other.

Whenever the air horn sounds, you must replace anything you are holding and change rooms.

Everyone must find the secret task before the task ends.

Your time starts now.

Underneath the golden pineapple, in the dome:

This is not the secret task.

The secret task is under the initials.

Hidden behind the window blind, in the hutch:

This is not the secret task.

The secret task is buried under buildings.

Underneath one of the feet of the Greg statue, in the garden:

This is not the secret task.

The secret task is inside.

Attached to one of the walls, inside the caravan:

This is not the secret task.

The secret task has a secret door.

In the kitchen:

This is not the secret task.

The secret task is often behind you.

On the underside of the table, in the lab:

This is not the secret task.

The secret task is beneath the Taskmaster.

Hidden in a secret compartment beneath the main portrait of Greg, in the living room:

This is the secret task.

If you found this task fastest, you must choose one contestant who will lose 5 points.

If you found this second, you must choose one contestant who will lose 1 point.

If you found this third, you must choose one contestant to get a special hat.

If you found this fourth, you must choose one contestant who will gain 1 point.

If you found this slowest, you must choose one contestant who will gain 5 points.

You must not choose yourself.

You must shout the name of your contestant in 10 seconds from now.
Three plinths standing outside the Taskmaster UK house. A sealed task brief rests on the centre plinth.

Task notes

  • The contestants are not allowed to leave whichever room they choose to enter until Alex blows his horn.
  • Most spaces and rooms on the Taskmaster house grounds have additional task briefs in them, which provide clues to the location of the secret task.
  • It seems likely that the original intention for this task was that someone would find it on their own, in response to Alex’s regular prompts about whether they’d done so. However, this apparently never occurred, so the show presumably had to force the contestants to look for it by creating this task, to be completed on the day of filming team tasks (which usually happens later in the production schedule).

Task stats



Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.