
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Find and complete the second half of the task

Task types:
Multiple brief
Novel task brief format?

Task briefs

The first half of the task brief is laid on the table in the living room. The second half is hidden in a disc in the hutch. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Inside the first half of the task brief:

Fastest team to discover the other half of this task wins.

You must always hold hands.

Your time starts now.

On the back of the first half of the task brief:

5, 6, 7, half 9, half 11, five, half 4.

The full task brief, once the two halves have been assembled:

Fastest team to go to the lab, discover the cake, eat one half, put the other half in the post box, put a flower on top of this task and then sit on top of this task wins five points.

You must not necessarily always hold hands, that's up to you.

Your time started when you said, 'Your time starts now.'

Task notes

  • The cryptic numeric clue on the back of the first half of the task brief refers to the words on the other side of the brief by number (i.e. ‘5’ refers to the fifth word, and ‘half 9’ refers to half of the letters in the ninth word). Anyone able to crack this code (which no-one did) would have been able to determine that ‘The other half is in the disc’.
  • On the table in the lab, there is a Victoria sponge cake, inside of which the contestants find a piece of paper on which is written the clue ’14 steps forward, nine steps left, six steps left, five steps left’. If these directions are followed from the lab, the contestants will find themselves in the hutch.
  • There is a framed vinyl record hung on one of the walls of the hutch, and the second half of the task brief is tucked behind this record, inside the frame.
  • There are a couple of other clues to point the contestants towards the disc in the hutch: in the garden, Greg’s statue is holding a portable TM-branded DiscMan; and on top of the apothecary cabinet in the living room, there is an arm-mounted magnifying glass, enlarging the word ‘disc’ written on the wall behind it.
  • There are a variety of fake flowers around and inside the caravan which the contestants can use to complete the task.

Task stats



Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.