
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The Driveway (Taskmaster UK)

Placeholder space image, featuring a question mark on a wax seal on a paper background texture

The concrete driveway leads from the gates of the property, down to the front door of the house and adjacent garage and dome.

The show has taken advantage of the sloping nature of the start of the driveway in some tasks involving rolling things.

The flatter part of the driveway, nearer to the house, has been used for outside tasks where a flat, solid ground surface is required.

Tasks filmed in this space (92)

Tasks are tagged as having been filmed in this space if either it was the location in which a task brief was received, or the task otherwise specifically utilised the space. The fact that a contestant chose to use the space during their attempt is not counted, unless the space was already established as a key location for the task.

Results are limited to 12 per page, so please use the hovering pagination links to view more.