
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the highest splash

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the highest splash.

You have 15 minutes and one attempt.

Also, before you commence the task you must say who you think will win the task.

Those who correctly guess the winner will win an extra five points.

Your time starts when Alex blows his whistle.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Hugh climbed the scaffolding tower and, after lining up his shot, tried to drop a brick into a bucket of water. He only hit the edge of the bucket, though, and made a splash that was just 18 inches high. Hugh predicted that he would win, so didn't receive any extra points.
  • Joe attempted to throw a bowling ball into a bucket of water from the top of the umpire's chair, but only hit the edge of the bucket. He still made a splash that was 6 foot 2 inches high, though. Joe predicted that he would win, so didn't receive any extra points.
  • Lolly attached a hose to a large extending measuring stick, but only sprayed the air, meaning that her splash was measured as the water bouncing off of the ground. Lolly predicted that she would win, so didn't receive any extra points.
  • Mel used a hose to splash the clock on the side of the Taskmaster House. She therefore made a splash that was 4.5 metres high. Mel predicted that Lolly would win, so didn't receive any extra points.
  • Noel climbed a ladder and managed to drop a bowling ball into the centre of a bucket of water. He made a splash that was 5.1 metres high. Noel predicted that Mel would win, so didn't receive any extra points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)