
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the highest splash

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the highest splash.

You have 15 minutes and one attempt.

Before you start the task, you must state who you think will win it.

Whoever correctly guesses the name of the winner will gain an 5 extra points.

The task starts when Markl blows his whistle.

Task notes

  • Despite having only one attempt, the contestants are allowed to test whatever they want before their official attempt.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Gilmário thinks Carla will win. He searches around in the shed for something to help, and emerges with a large plastic container, that he fills with water. He takes the filled container to the pool, and climbs onto the diving platform. He also partially blows up a raft, and places it under the diving platform. Gilmário throws the filled container directly on top of the raft. Gilmário takes third place.
  • Toy thinks he will win. He runs and changes into shorts and a t-shirt, and goes to the pool, intending on jumping in. When he realises that the water in the pool is freezing cold, he changes his mind, and brings a few things from the shed to the pool. He tests how the items splash when thrown into the pool, but is disappointed in all of them. Finally, Toy climbs onto the diving platform and jumps into the pool. Toy takes joint fourth place.
  • Inês thinks Toy will win. She wants to use Nuno to make the splash, but he refuses, so she finds a mannequin dressed as Nuno (leftover from the handshake task) instead. She shoves mannequin-Nuno into the tub, and has the tub carried up to the diving platform above the pool. She and Nuno release the tub too early, and it falls into the pool instead of being thrown. Inês takes joint fourth place.
  • Jessica thinks Toy will win. She tries throwing several things from the diving platform, including a few basketballs that she’s taped together. She ultimately decides that her official attempt will be made while she’s sitting in the boat in the pool. She throws the taped basketballs into the pool, and does not look happy with the results. Jessica takes first place.
  • Carla thinks she will win. After reading the task, Carla immediately takes off her shoes and socks, runs to the pool, and cannonball dives in from the poolside. Carla takes second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)