
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Invent a new handshake

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Invent a new handshake.

You have 5 minutes to develop it, and a further 3 minutes to demonstrate it with Markl.

The most original handshake wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Inês' handshake starts with a high five before she and Nuno link arms and skip around in a circle. More high fives, Inês blows Nuno’s whistle, and they bump hips before wiggling their butts and cheering. She earns 3 points for her handshake.
  • Jessica invents a handshake that involves no contact. She and Nuno keep their hands just apart from each other and continually bend in a handshake motion for an entire minute (Vasco likens them to two lucky cat sculptures that constantly wave a paw). At some point during their handshake, the trousers fall off of the practice mannequin. They also do contact-free cheek kissing. In the studio, Jessica justifies her handshake by explaining that too often, people greet and then immediately leave; this way, they are forced to speak with each other for at least a minute. She earns 3 points for her handshake.
  • Carla’s handshake starts with a high five and a shoulder touch before moving to a few foot taps, jumping up and down, and ending with a cheer and a hug. She earns 3 points for her handshake.
  • Gilmário’s handshake is a choreographed series of hand and foot slaps, ending with himself and Nuno holding their arms out in celebration. In the studio, Gilmário describes his handshake as being a mixture between “Viking and the ‘hood”. He earns 3 points for his handshake.
  • When introducing Toy’s handshake, Nuno says that it felt close to boot camp. He’s not wrong. Toy’s handshake starts with the two of them doing twenty push-ups, high-fiving each other after every fifth push-up. Toy squeezes Nuno’s fingers afterwards, and the handshake is complete. Toy gets 1 point for the handshake, and a bonus point for making Nuno exercise.

(Source credit: Jenny R)