
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Duel with Mark

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Invent a duel, and duel with Mark.

Most equal and exciting duel wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Despite realising that she should not pick something that she is clearly better at than Mark (in the studio Linda reveals that she had to teach him the skills needed for the duel), Linda cannot resist the urge to humiliate him. Linda decides to duel him by folding origami boats – screaming at Mark to provide excitement to the duel, as instructed. Despite unintentionally handicapping herself for part of the duel by wearing gloves, Linda still finishes folding her (white) boat well before Mark finishes folding his (rainbow) boat. Lasse declares that Linda’s duel completely lacked equality, and awards her fifth place.
  • Simon decides to create a masculinity triathlon. The first round involves making the best bearnaise sauce. Simon and Mark trash talk each other’s sauces throughout the round. Simon concedes the round to Mark. The second round involves latte art. Mark’s art is a mess, that he declares to be the sun above Gudjhem [a small, picturesque town in the north of Denmark], while Simon creates a smiley face, and wins the round. The final round involves talking feelings. Simon and Mark take turns sharing emotionally vulnerable things – difficult parental relationships, stories of being bullied in school – before Simon reveals that his brother has multiple handicaps, which Mark cannot top (“my brother... he’s not handicapped, but he isn’t particularly smart”). Simon wins the duel. Lasse awards Simon first place.
  • Tobias looks up the definition of the word ‘duel’, and seeing that it traditionally uses lethal weapons, decides to do the same for his duel. He brings a portrait of Lasse out into the Stormester yard, and presents Mark with a table of various-sized kitchen knives. Tobias' duel consists of throwing knives at the portrait of Lasse. The rules are a bit complicated, with various points for each sized-knife, and multipliers awarded if the thrower screams, if the knife handle hits the portrait, and if the knife blade bounces off or stays in the portrait – but Mark and Tobias clearly have fun in their duel (which Mark wins). Lasse declares that the duel succeeds in being equal and exciting, but that he found the rules confusing, so awards him third place.
  • Jonas’ duel involves making up a completely naked bed into one that they could put their mother in “with an easy conscience”. Midway through the duel, Jonas and Mark start sabotaging each other’s progress by pulling stretched sheet corners free or sitting on each other’s mattresses. It is close, but Mark wins the duel – at which point, the two have a pillow fight. Lasse awards Jonas second place.
  • Sofie decides to have an eating contest with Mark, and declares that they will eat ‘flodebolle’ [chocolate-covered marshmallow puffs]. Sofie and Mark each have 34 flodebolle lined up before them, with the ultimate goal being to eat the queen flodebolle [a larger version, which has strawberry flavouring]. Sofie and Mark both eat their way down their respective lines of flodebolle – Mark is a clean eater, while Sofie gets a lot of the filling around her mouth. Sofie taps out after eating 23 floderbolle, while Mark finishes his line and eats the queen flodebolle. As they leave, Mark steals a flodebolle from Sofie’s line. Mark confirms in the studio that he did in fact eat 37 flodebolle during their duel. Lasse declares that Sofie’s duel is exciting, but not particularly equal, and awards her fourth place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)