
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw water the furthest

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found taped to a large, narrow-necked glass jar full of water, on top of a plinth in the garden. The brief for the task is as follows:

Throw water.

The longest thrown water wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henrik decides that he needs to be clever for this task, as he says normally he is not. He pours some of the water from the jar into a long strip of plastic, bundles the whole thing up, and throws it. While Henrik sticks with his water in plastic wrap strategy, at some point, he also adds a tennis ball to each projectile, allowing him to launch the water with a lacrosse stick. Henrik throws water 26.7m and earns fourth place.
  • Janne searches the shed and picks up a bucket, asking David if he is allowed to put the water in another container. He apparently decides against the bucket, as instead he sources a small jar with a lid on it, and pours some of the water from the giant jar into it. He throws the jar quite far across the yard, where it disappears into some bushes. Janne then realises that he could just throw wet balls, so finds several tennis balls and pours water over them. He then throws them towards the dock, which is at a lower level than the Bäst i Test house, allowing gravity to do some of the work for him. Janne throws water 46.96m and earns second place.
  • Marko’s immediate idea is to soak a ball in water, and then throw the ball. He decides that he needs more room than the garden of the Bäst i Test house provides, so he and David walk to a nearby field with the water jar, a bucket, some tennis balls, and two basketballs. It isn’t until they reach the field that David points out that Marko could have filled the bucket before they left the house. Marko soaks each ball in turn and throws them as hard as he can, achieving a particularly impressive distance with the basketballs, which he throws like a discus. Marko throws water 44.8m and earns third place.
  • Linnéa points out that, technically, she could simply urinate and that would fulfil the task brief. However, she does not want to show herself urinating on television, so she instead decides to search the shed. While searching, Linnéa wonders whether or not she could throw the water so that it never lands. She finds a balloon and puts a small amount water inside it, then inflates the balloon with helium. Linnéa throws the balloon, which then floats into the air and away from the house. Linnéa’s total distance is obviously not given, but she wins the task.
  • Nikki asks David if she can spit the water. David replies that she would not be throwing it, in that instance. Nikki picks up the jar and, after counting to three, rocks it forward so that water comes out of it. When she asks David how she could possibly get the water to go further, David tells her to “throw harder”, so she does, splashing him with water. The first time seems to have been accidental, but subsequent attempts seemingly have Nikki purposefully attempting to hit David with the water. After several rounds, Nikki no longer has any water left in the jar to throw, so she walks back into the house, wondering if the task was supposed to be done “in some clever way”. Nikki throws water 6m, and earns fifth place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)