
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw a teabag into a mug

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Throw a teabag into a mug from the furthest distance.

You have exactly 45 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Rita immediately panics, unsure of the rules of the show. Her edit mainly consists of her frantically asking questions, like if she can use more than one mug, if she needs to stay in the room, if it’s okay to put the mug in the hallway, etc. She sucks on a teabag to wet it (having presumably realised that the teabag will travel further when wet), while asking why she was not provided any water. Still convinced that she needs to stay in the room, she wets a few teabags with some alcohol from the bar, but then just proceeds to drop the teabag into the mug instead of trying to throw it from across the room. At one point, she holds the teabag in one hand and the mug in the other and tosses the teabag sideways into the mug. Eventually, she ends the task early – Nuno reveals that she only spent 6 minutes 30 seconds on the task, out of her allotted 45. In the studio, Vasco reveals that Rita asked 18 questions during her time performing the task. Rita’s throw is 1.9m, which earns her third place instead of last place, thanks to Toy and Jessica’s attempts being declared invalid.
  • Jessica decides to throw her teabag from the house’s balcony. She places the mug on the ground, then starts dropping dry teabags off of the balcony. After missing a few throws, she puts three teabags in a small Matryoshka doll and ties a string around it before slowly lowering it into the mug. However, she has some trouble doing so, as she is not quite tall enough to fully lean over the balcony rail. Jessica’s ‘throw’ is 6m, but Vasco points out that Jessica dropped a teabag instead of throwing it, and awards her joint last place.
  • Toy moves to the yard, near the pool, and sets up a few mugs in one area to increase his chances. After a few missed throws, he gets an idea: to use balloons. It is not immediately clear what his plan is, but he does realise that he needs the wind to assist him. Soon his plan is made clear: Toy ties the string of the teabag to a balloon he’s inflated, and he plans to hit the balloon over to the mug, reasoning that if he does not touch the teabag, his distance will not reset. After chasing the balloon around for a while, he is finally able to guide it into one of the mugs. Toy’s ‘throw’ is 29.9m, but Vasco points out that Toy was slapping a teabag instead of throwing it, and awards him joint last place.
  • Inês moves to the yard, near the shed. She immediately realises that the wind will affect her throw. She performs a test throw from 2.5m with a dry teabag (presumably to test the wind conditions), and actually gets the teabag into the cup. Inês continues to throw dry tea bags from farther away; while her distance is somewhat impressive, her accuracy leaves something to be desired. She does eventually land another tea bag in the mug. Inês' throw is 8.1m, earning her first place, thanks to Toy’s attempt being declared invalid.
  • Gilmário ties a teabag around a pebble, while lecturing about the physics of why what he’s doing will allow him to land a teabag in a mug from a long distance. He also places the table holding the mug against a wall, creating a backboard that could help him should he overthrow the pebble; he then unintentionally sabotages this idea by laying the mug on its side, meaning that if he did hit the wall, the pebble would not be able to land in the mug. He seems to realise this, as he moves the mug to stand upright on the jar of spare teabags on the table, directly against the wall. Gilmário’s first throw lands in the mug. However, in the studio, Nuno reveals that this is in fact a cruel edit, and that Gilmário took 37 attempts. Gilmário’s throw is 6.9m, earning him second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)