
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The most boring thing

Image of the pool of prize submissions submitted by the contestants in the 'The most boring thing' task.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in the most boring thing.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Rita brings in a special edition can of tuna that contains a few facts about 1966 on the lid – namely, that it’s the birth year of both Adam Sandler and Mike Tyson, and that it was the year that the first bridge to cross the Tagus River in Lisbon was built. It is also her birth year, so while other people would find a can of tuna boring, it holds a special place in her heart. Vasco awards her joint fourth place.
  • Toy brings in a picture of his mother-in-law. After joking that he does not particularly care if the winner takes her home (unlike Rita, who very much wants her prize returned), he later admits that she’s actually a wonderful woman. Vasco awards him second place.
  • Jessica brings in an item that she loses multiple times a day, and is hard for her to find whenever she loses it because she has poor eyesight. Before she can deliver the punchline, Vasco beats her to it and asks if she’s brought in her glasses – which she has. When Vasco asks how Jessica will cope if she loses the episode (and thus her glasses), she isn’t particularly bothered as, she reminds him, she loses them multiple times a day, so she’s used to it. Vasco awards her third place.
  • Gilmário reveals that his grandfather had begun passing out items he’d willed to his descendants before he was actually dead. The grandfather told Gilmário that because Gilmário was such a hard worker, he should receive an alarm clock. It is, as Gilmário puts it, an alarm clock “from his era” - one that must be manually wound and has a small hammer that strikes two bells on the top of the clock. Furthermore, the clock can only be set to ring at 5am and is unable to be switched off – it just stops ringing after a half an hour. Vasco points out that the clock’s alarm hand is currently pointing towards noon, implying that he believes Gilmário is lying. Vasco awards him joint fourth place.
  • Inês brings in something that she wishes would disappear, that she’s tried several methods to rid herself of: her boyfriend David’s beard. She presents David’s beard in a picture that he apparently did not know she was going to show on air, and reveals that she actually brought a box with David’s beard trimmings as the actual prize. Vasco awards her first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)