Episode 4: OLLIE

Air date:
Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in the most confusing thing, work out what a switch does, change their appearance in a lift, make some scales read exactly 31.770kg, and get dressed while wearing handcuffs. In an exciting tie-breaker, two contestants compete to make the best toilet paper aeroplane.
Title context
'OLLIE' is what could be read on the weighing scale display, once the contestants successfully solved the 'Make the scales read exactly 31.770kg' task.
Taskmaster Intro
Hello! Thank you. Thank you for the clapping. You know the drill: it's Taskmaster, I'm Greg Davies, and funny folk have completed some tasks, and I'm going to judge them on their efforts. Jesus Christ! Can we just get on with it?
Assistant Intro
And here, standing just shy of five feet tall, it's my sufficient assistant... Whooh, it's... little Alex Horne!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
So, what have we learnt today? We've learnt that everything could be a construct. Maybe none of this is real. Is it a television show? Is it reality? [Slaps Alex's face] Yep, it's real! And in case you've already forgotten, Rhod is tonight's worthy winner. Let's award him with applause, and then ignore each other until next time! Have a lovely night. Night-night!
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Official podcast episode
Episode stats

Points Awarded

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: tribbletown
- Latin American Spanish Credit: Juan
- Polish Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc
- Swedish Credit: anonymous